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Three common rashes your child might bring home

10 March 2020 | By Lisa Witepski

Nursery school isn’t only where your child takes their first steps towards learning, it could also be where they make contact with some nasty conditions – like these highly contagious rashes.



According to Cape Town dermatologist Dr Dilshaad Asmal, ringworm is an extremely contagious condition, and one that frequently affects children. Also known as tinea, this ring-shaped rash actually has nothing to do with worms. Rather, it’s a fungal infection that shows up as a clearly defined circle on the skin, often with red, itchy or scaly patches. 

Ringworm is spread through contact with a person or animal already carrying the fungus, although it can also be transmitted through contaminated soil. The rash is typically treated with an antifungal cream, although because the raised spots may look like other, more serious conditions, it is wise to have a doctor’s diagnosis.


Diagnosed by its rash of red, blister-like sores that appear on the hands and feet, and around the nose and mouth, impetigo typically affects babies and small children. Because the staph or strep bacteria responsible for impetigo thrive in warm, moist weather, impetigo tends to be a seasonal condition, with most infections recorded in summer. 

The infection starts in minor cuts, abrasions or insect bites, showing up as a red blemish that develops into a blister. As these blisters burst, they ooze a yellow liquid that becomes crusted – but, although the blisters may be itchy and uncomfortable at times, they don’t leave a scar. 

Impetigo is highly contagious, and can be spread not only through skin-to-skin contact, but even from using the same items - like towels - that the infected person has used. Your doctor will prescribe a topical antibiotic ointment, although oral antibiotics may be required in severe cases.

Hand, foot and mouth disease

Not to be confused with the disease affecting farm animals, hand, foot and mouth shows up as raised red spots, typically on the hands or soles of the feet. These develop into grey-centred blisters. The mouth may also be affected, with large ulcers developing out of small red spots. 

Patients usually exhibit flu-like symptoms, such as fever, sore throat and coughing, before the spots manifest. Because hand, foot and mouth disease is caused by a virus, it cannot be treated medically, and the condition usually clears up by itself within a few days. Sound hygiene - like regular washing - is often effective in preventing the spread of this contagious disease.

IMAGE CREDIT: shutterstock.com

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