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First trimester

Comfortable and safe sleeping positions during pregnancy

10 July 2023 | By Jennifer Campbell

A growing belly can get in the way of a good night’s rest. 


If you’re pregnant, you’ll need all the rest you can get. Unfortunately, that’s often easier said than done. Many women find it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position as their bump grows. Here’s what you should know about staying both comfy and safe throughout your pregnancy…

What is the safest sleep position? 

Most doctors recommend that you sleep on your side during pregnancy, especially as your bump gets bigger. According to Rosemary Byrnes, a registered nurse and Head of Campus at Western Cape College of Nursing, sleeping on your left side is ideal, as it allows optimal blood flow from the inferior vena cava, the large vein that carries blood to your baby. Sleeping on the left also alleviates pressure on the liver and kidneys, allowing them to function well — this, in turn, should help to minimise swelling in the hands, feet and ankles. 

If you simply can’t get comfortable on your left side, don’t stress. Lying on your right side won’t pose any threat to your growing baby.  

Which positions should be avoided? 

Byrnes advises against sleeping on your back during the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy. This is because this particular position places the entire weight of your uterus and baby on your back, intestines and vena cava. If you wake up on your back, don’t worry — simply turn back onto your side. 

If you like to sleep on your tummy, that’s fine at the beginning of your pregnancy, but there will come a time when it’s simply not comfortable or even possible. 

How do you get comfortable?

If you’re not used to sleeping on your side, there are a few things you can do to get comfortable in the position. Many women find it helpful to use a full-body pregnancy pillow, but you can also get comfy by positioning a few pillows — place one between your legs, and one behind your back, for example. 

If you find yourself short of breath you might find it helpful to raise your chest in bed. To do so, simply place a pillow under your side. And, if you suffer from heartburn — a common issue during pregnancy — try propping your head up a bit for sleep. 

Why is sleep important during pregnancy? 

Even if you find it difficult to rest, it’s important that you try to prioritise sleep during pregnancy. “Sleep is important for the growth of the baby, for preventing high blood pressure, and for maintaining a strong immune system,” advises Byrnes.  

Many women struggle with sleep during pregnancy, but if you are concerned about sleep deprivation and its impact on your health, it’s a good idea to chat to your doctor.

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IMAGE: 123rf.com

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