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How to dress your baby in winter

03 May 2023 | By Jennifer Campbell

What exactly should your baby wear when it’s cold outside? It’s all about finding a balance between keeping your baby comfy without causing them to overheat. Here are our top tips…


It’s all about layers

When it comes to dressing your baby for cold weather, it’s advisable to go for layers. When you put multiple items of clothing on your baby, heat is trapped between the layers and ensures that your little one stays toasty. Choose thin clothes in breathable fabrics like cotton to avoid overheating. Start, for example, with a thin vest and then add a long-sleeved top and leggings over the top. For really cold conditions, you might add another layer if you go outside. 

Keep them covered 

If you’re heading outside in cold weather, make sure that you cover your baby from top to toe. A cosy winter hat or beanie is a must, as are mittens and socks. And if you’re out walking with your baby in their pram, it’s always a good idea to take a blanket along as well. Just make sure that you remove extra layers when you get home or in the car — babies dressed in too many layers of clothes and/or blankets are at risk of overheating. 

Stay cool for sleep 

No matter the season, the ideal temperature for baby’s bedroom is between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius. Remember that blankets and other loose bedding are a risk factor for SIDS, so it’s best to dress your baby in a sleep sack instead. On chilly evenings, you can dress your little one in a warm onesie under their sleep sack, but check for signs of overheating, such as sweating. 

Know the signs

A good guideline for dressing your little one in winter is to put them in the same number of layers as yourself plus one more. To determine if your baby feels hot or cold, touch the nape of their neck to see if their skin feels cold or sweaty.
Babies who are too warm may sweat or have flushed cheeks, while signs of being too cold include very cold feet and hands. 

You may also notice some changes to your baby’s behaviour when their temperature isn’t right. Overheated babies are often restless and fussy, while cold babies are generally less active than usual and their hands and feet might feel particularly cold to the touch. 

IMAGE: 123rf.com

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