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What to expect at your baby’s wellness checks

06 May 2024 | By Shani Tsai

Nervous about your baby’s first few check-ups? Here’s what you can expect at a baby wellness assessment.

The first few weeks of your baby’s life is likely to be a whirlwind of emotions and endless tasks. You’ll be caring for a new life while recovering from carrying and birthing them (or supporting your partner through the pregnancy and birth).
You’ll be tired, you’ll be happy, you’ll be overwhelmed, and you’ll have a lot of questions about the changes you’re seeing in your newborn’s first weeks of life, especially if you’re a first-time parent. So the first check-up that happens at six weeks will likely make you feel anxious if you’re unsure of what to expect.
When you’re discharged from hospital following the birth of your baby, one thing your doctor will tell you is that it’s essential to take your baby’s health book along to all medical appointments, whether it’s a clinic check-up, a doctor’s visit, or an emergency hospital admission. It’s a good idea to keep it in your baby’s nappy bag so it’s with your baby wherever they are.

IMAGE CREDIT: 123rf.com
Your doctor might also ask you to visit a baby clinic one week after the birth to have your baby weighed. This is just a quick check-in to see that your baby is picking up weight at a healthy speed – if they’re slightly underweight, you might have to adjust your feeding methods or frequency, or have an assessment with a lactation and breastfeeding consultant.

The six-week check-up

The next clinic visit will be six weeks after baby’s birth unless you have pressing concerns, in which case you should visit a clinic or paediatrician.

“At the six-week check-up, which takes about 30 minutes, we check the baby’s weight and height against the average growth chart,” says Firdous Braaf, a clinic sister at Clicks Somerset Mall in Cape Town. This is to check that baby is growing at a healthy rate. Your baby will also be immunised according to government requirements. “At six weeks, we issue two injections and oral vaccinations,” says Braaf. The oral vaccination is normally given in hospital, and is only available at selected clinics.
At your baby's consultation, the nurse will explain how the vaccines will be administered and explain any possible side effects, and how to care for baby if they experience any. A developmental screening will check that your little one is meeting milestones – at six weeks these include basic checks on hearing, vision, and motor skills. The nurse will also ask about how often your child is nursing, what their stools look like, how many wet nappies they have per day, and how they’re sleeping.
Braaf says that wellness checks are an opportune time for new parents to ask any questions they have regarding their baby’s development or wellbeing. If the parents’ concerns warrant it, the clinic nurse will refer you to the necessary medical professional for further assessment.
“If the child has a mother who is present, she needs to attend clinic visits with the baby, especially the first one at six weeks,” says Braaf. “In between conducting the checks on the baby, I have a conversation with the mother about how she is coping. While this is not a postnatal service, we do look out for the mother’s wellness too,” she adds. A good service for new moms is Udok by Clicks, where you can have a virtual consultation with a doctor.

What happens after the first check-up?

You’ll visit the clinic again at 10 weeks, 14 weeks, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months and again at 18 months.
Braaf warns against skipping appointments, as it’ll set your baby back with their vaccinations and put your baby at risk of illnesses. “The season doesn’t matter – vaccinations are essential in protecting your baby against germs,” she says.

Should you be nervous about check-ups

Not at all, says Braaf. “We explain the process upfront, so you know what to expect during the consultation. The nurse might ask you to remove your baby’s clothing before you place them on the scale to be weighed, or they might do it themselves if you prefer that,” she explains. There’s no need to rush through anything; take your time and ask questions. If your little one is sleeping, there’s no need to wake them up.

Book your spot

Booking a wellness consultation is easy and convenient on the Clicks website. Simply select the service required, select your preferred location, date, and time, and fill in your personal details to complete the booking. Click here to find your nearest Clicks Clinic.

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