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The best skin care ingredients for a smoother neckline

20 December 2023 | By Leila Petersen

While most of us spend a lot of time on our faces, we often neglect the one area that often gives away our age - our neckline.


When it comes to our daily skincare routine, we have no problem slathering on youth-boosting serums, hydrating moisturisers, and damage-defying sunscreens to keep our faces looking their best. But often we stop at our jawline when in fact we should be including our neck which requires just as much T.L.C, if not more.

Why your neck needs care

The skin on your neck contains fewer oil glands, is thinner, and subjected to repetitive movement, stretching, and sun exposure. As a result, it’s more prone to showing signs of ageing - including lack of elasticity, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines - before any other part of the body. It’s time to start focusing on taking care of our neck.

T.L.C. for your neck

The best way to take care of the skin on your neck is to treat it as an extension of your face. Making sure you optimise moisture and hydration to the neck skin is important, as dry skin leads to more fine lines and wrinkles. Decreasing sun exposure, as well as using sunscreen (at least SPF 30) every day, is also vital as this ultraviolet light penetrates the dermal layer of the skin to break down collagen and elastin resulting in premature ageing. 

Investing in skincare formulated specifically just for that delicate area is also key. Not only do they combat dryness, but they also address unique concerns that affect the area, such as “turkey neck” (the term used to describe the sagging or loosening of skin around the chin) and “tech neck” (the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles resulting from constantly straining our necks to look at our computers or phones).

Effective skincare ingredients

When it comes to effective products that can help firm neck skin, look out for these specific ingredients:

Vitamin C

This superstar antioxidant not only stimulates collagen production, it also protects your skin from damaging free radicals that accelerate signs of ageing.


Retinol helps boost the skin’s elasticity and improves cell turnover which helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It’s important to note that retinol is a potent active ingredient and as the skin on the neck is quite thin and sensitive it’s best to start off with a lower strength to avoid any irritation.

Hyaluronic acid 

Hyaluronic acid is known for its ability to attract and retain moisture which results in more plump skin with fewer wrinkles and fine lines.


Helps to attract and retain moisture in the skin, which is essential for keeping the neck area hydrated and plump. 


Peptides help to minimise the appearance of wrinkles, boost collagen production, and improve skin tone and texture.

IMAGE CREDIT: 123rf.com

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