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Teething – Taking care of your baby's teeth

Babies can get their first tooth anywhere between three
and fifteen months, but commonly between four and nine months — although discomfort may start earlier. What many parents don’t realise is that emerging baby teeth need to be looked after as carefully as we look after our own teeth. Note: the content of this article does not replace the advice of your healthcare practitioner. If you have any concerns please seek the advice of your healthcare practitioner immediately.

Dribbling at three months is usually a result of your baby learning to put things in their mouth, which is part of normal development.30-32

Pain management and what you can do to help 31,32
•Rub your baby’s sore gums gently with your finger;
•Give your baby a teething ring – either a soft rubber one, or the plastic type that can be kept in the refrigerator;
•If you think your baby is in pain, consider giving paracetamol as directed for the child’s age;
•Avoid hard sharp-edged toys that could damage teeth and gums.
Article reference:

30. Better health, Victoria State Government. Teeth development in children. Available at: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/teeth-development-in-children; 31. UK NHS. Baby teething symptoms. Available at: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/pages/teething-and-tooth-care.aspx; 32. US Medline Plus. Teething. Available at: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002045.htm
