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Should your baby drink fruit or vegetable juice?

04 August 2022 | By Tammy Jacks

By the time your little one celebrates their first birthday, they should be transitioning to the family table and given the chance to experiment with new foods, textures and flavours,” says Durban-based research and consultant dietitian, Nazeeia Sayed.


It’s also important to remember that babies and toddlers have high energy and nutrients needs, yet small tummies. This means that they need to eat smaller portions of good quality snacks and meals throughout the day.  

What about liquids? 

When it comes to liquids, “Young children don’t need to drink fruit or vegetable juices,” advises Nazeeia. This is because when fruits and vegetables are juiced, many nutrients are lost, and the fibre is removed.  

“Rather let your child enjoy the different flavours of whole fruit and vegetables with all their goodness intact, instead of giving them juices. Whole produce will be more nutritious and filling than juices, and the fibre will help them have regular bowel movements,” she adds. 

Some fruits and vegetables with a high-water content include:

•    Cucumber 
•    Tomatoes 
•    Apples 
•    Watermelon 
•    Oranges 
•    Broccoli 
•    Melon
•    Pineapple 

To retain the nutrients and water content of vegetables, consider steaming them for your child. 

“Apart from breast milk, water is the best beverage for your growing child, and this can be introduced from around six months. To encourage them to drink more water, offer a few sips after each meal or when they ask for it. It’s also a good idea to offer water over any fruit juice, as much as possible so that your child gets used to it, rather than sugary drinks. If your child wants to drink juice at a party or celebration, always dilute it with water,” says Nazeeia. 

To avoid any choking risks, steer clear of adding small pieces of fruit to your child’s water and don’t add artificial sweeteners or flavours to the water – plain is best, and your little one will get used to it.

IMAGE CREDIT: shutterstock.com

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