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How to make bath time safer and more fun

23 December 2022 | By Wanita Nicol

Take the stress out of bath time for you and your baby with these tips, tools and toys.


Bath time doesn’t need to be a chore. Encouraging your baby to think of bathing as a fun, enjoyable activity will get them excited about the idea and more amenable to hopping in the tub as they get older. 

The good news about newborns

Holding a tiny newborn baby can be awkward – and that’s before adding water and soap. Paula Robert is the owner and master franchiser of Edubabe, a business that that provides childcare training for parents and others caring for young children. She has some good news: “Research indicates that new-borns only need to be bathed two to three times a week and just need a wipe down in between in the first year.”
Use a soft facecloth that won’t feel harsh against your baby’s delicate skin. Try: Snuggletime Wash Cloths Pack of 4

Don’t skip the baby bath

When you’ve already invested in a cot, pram, car seat and other essentials, it may be tempting to pass on the baby bath. Don’t, says Robert. “It’s safer for the baby and easier for the parent to use a baby bath that can be placed in a regular bathtub,” she says. 

“Look for a baby bath with non-slip surface both in the tub itself and outside, to ensure the tub does not move around when the baby is splashing and wiggling,” Robert advises. “It should have rounded edges, and support for baby’s head and shoulders.” It should also accommodate your baby as they grow. 

Try: Shnuggle Baby Bath With Plug and Foam Backrest, designed to use just two litres of water. 

Make it fun

“Choose their favourite bath toys, use bubble bath and make the water foamy,” advises Robert. “Sing or play music, add a mirror so toddler can see themselves and mom or dad. And ensure the water is at a comfortable temperature.” 

Try: Oh So Heavenly Mum & Cherub Bubble Bath Sweet Dreams, which is cruelty-free and formulated to be gentle on Baby’s skin, and Splash Toys Animal Squirters squeaky toys, which provide bath-time delight, while training fine motor skills. 

Set your environment up for convenience

You should never leave your baby in the bath unattended, so make sure you have everything you need close at hand, advises Robert.

Look for fuss-free products that will make your life easier. 

Try: Mum & Cherub 2-in-1 Baby Wash and Shampoo, which is cruelty-free, soap-free and colour-free and kind to eyes and comes in a convenient pump action bottle. 

Always be safe

Accidents happen in the blink of an eye so you can never be too cautious. “Never leave your baby, toddler or small child unattended in a bath,” cautions Robert. “Make sure they are safe and secure and turn the water off before placing them in the bath. Temperature should be not too hot, not too cold. Make your bathroom a safe zone: Keep things slip-free and empty bath afterwards.”

IMAGE CREDIT: 123rf.com

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