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First trimester

What to expect in your first trimester

10 July 2023 | By Jennifer Campbell

We explore all the physical and emotional changes you can expect in your first trimester.


The first trimester of pregnancy is an exciting time, and the first step on the journey to becoming a mother. It includes the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, and is the most crucial when it comes to your baby’s development. Here’s what you can expect during this time…

What physical changes occur?

Although you aren’t likely to notice a bump until much later in pregnancy, there are numerous physical changes that occur during the first trimester. Many women notice that their breasts feel tender and swollen – this happens because of hormonal changes. 

Morning sickness, which is characterised by nausea, often starts in the beginning stages of pregnancy. According to a study conducted at Cornell University in New York, morning sickness actually helps to protect mothers and unborn babies from food-borne illness, which also explains why many pregnant women also develop food aversions in the first trimester.

Other physical changes that can be expected during the first trimester include increased urination caused by increased fluid; heartburn; and constipation. Some women also struggle with headaches and tiredness in the early stages of pregnancy.

Are emotional changes normal? 

The first trimester of pregnancy may be filled with joy, but it is also completely normal to feel overwhelmed and anxious. Having a new baby is a big deal, and the prospect may be stressful. Factors like finances, work and childcare will all need to be considered, along with family dynamics and increased responsibilities. 

Many pregnant women struggle with fatigue during pregnancy, which can exacerbate feelings of worry. It’s important that you take care of yourself, allow yourself as much time to rest as possible, and seek support if you need it. If you suffer from intense mood swings, it’s advisable to consult with your doctor. 

What should you do in your first trimester? 

If you suspect that you are pregnant, it’s advisable to see a healthcare practitioner for guidance. There are a number of options available – some women choose to consult with an obstetrician from their first trimester, while others prefer a midwife, nurse or general practitioner. 

Your healthcare practitioner will let you know how to best take care of your (and your unborn baby’s) health in these early days. They will also advise you on when to schedule check-ups throughout your pregnancy, and which prenatal tests are recommended. 

When you first consult with your doctor, they might perform an ultrasound to confirm that you are pregnant. They will also check your blood pressure and weight, and estimate a due date. 

To stay healthy throughout your first trimester, it’s a good idea to take a prenatal vitamin, to exercise regularly, and to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Bear in mind that certain foods and drinks should be avoided – these include alcohol, raw fish, unpasteurised dairy products, and deli meats.

IMAGE: 123rf.com

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