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What you should know about miscarriage

07 August 2023 | By: Jennifer Campbell

Learn about different types of miscarriages and what happens to your body with each.


A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks. Unfortunately, miscarriage is a fairly common occurrence, with around one in four pregnancies ending this way. Read on to find out about the different kinds of miscarriages, and what happens in each case. 

What types of miscarriage can occur? 

According to Rosemary Byrnes, a registered nurse and Head of Campus at the Western Cape College of Nursing, there are a number of types of miscarriage that can occur. Some of these cause noticeable symptoms, while others can go unnoticed for some time and might only be picked up at a doctor’s appointment. 

A missed miscarriage does not cause any bleeding or other symptoms, and is usually diagnosed with the help of an ultrasound. Your doctor might suspect a missed miscarriage if pregnancy symptoms suddenly stop, or if the uterus stops growing. 

Other types of miscarriage include a blighted ovum, which occurs when a sac forms, but a baby does not develop inside it; and ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when implantation occurs in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus. 

Although symptoms do not always occur, specifically in the case of a missed miscarriage, there are some possible signs to look out for. These, says Byrnes, include heavy spotting, vaginal bleeding, discharge of products of conception from vagina, or abdominal pain and cramping. She suggests seeking professional treatment if you experience any of these symptoms. 

According to Byrnes, miscarriage can occur for a number of reasons. “During pregnancy, your body supplies hormones and nutrients to maintain the pregnancy,” she says. “A pregnancy can be lost due to genetic or chromosomal abnormalities or lifestyle habits.”

Is treatment necessary?

In many cases, some of the pregnancy tissue remains in the uterus after a miscarriage. In order to prevent infection or prolonged bleeding, your doctor may recommend that you undergo a simple procedure commonly known as a D&C (dilation and curettage). During the procedure, the uterus will be scraped with an instrument called a curette. 

Recovery after a D&C is generally fairly quick, and most healthy women will experience a normal period again between four and six weeks after a miscarriage. 

Can you get pregnant after a miscarriage?

Although it can be very difficult to go through a miscarriage, the good news is that, as long as there is no underlying cause, it is usually possible to enjoy a healthy pregnancy in the future. In fact, most of the issues that cause miscarriage happen by chance and are very unlikely to recur. 

Women who have had three or more consecutive miscarriages, however, may be at risk of another miscarriage. If you are concerned, it is advisable that you discuss your particular experience with your doctor. They might recommend testing, depending on your needs. 

IMAGE CREDIT: 123rf.com

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