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How can you prevent stress?

The prevention of stress altogether is virtually impossible and furthermore would be hazardous for our survival.

12 July 2016

We need stress to jumpstart the necessary reactions to help propel us out of harm’s way when we do find ourselves in real and imminent danger. However, the body’s autonomic nervous system is unable to distinguish between a looming work deadline for a big project or a life-or-death situation, for example, meaning that whenever you’re feeling stressed out your body is in action mode, disrupting normal, necessary functions in an attempt to redirect energy and resources towards survival.

Ultimately, too many stressors or too much stress places a strain on your physical and mental wellbeing, so it’s essential to eliminate as much unnecessary stress as possible.

How to identify your stressors

In order to avoid stress, the first step is identifying your stressors, keeping in mind that these may vary from person to person. Some of the aspects that create tension in your life may be obvious: a high-pressure job, health or financial concerns, relationship issues. Others may be less clear.

This is where it helps to keep a diary or journal, where you can record which situations put you on edge and start recognising the sources of hidden stress in your life. You may learn that shopping malls are best avoided on weekends because the experience always leaves you uptight and with a headache, or that hosting large family gatherings every week is perhaps better left to once every month or two.

The goal of this exercise is to help you avoid those stressors that you can exert some control over, as any reduction in stress can only be a good thing. 

Examine your attitude

It may also be useful to examine how your attitude determines whether a situation is stressful or not. The key here is to adapt to your stressor in order to diminish its effect on your day-to-day life. Experts recommend ‘reframing’ the problem by trying to approach it from a more positive angle. 

You can also adapt to stress by looking at how your own expectations feed it – perfectionism is one major cause of stress that is totally avoidable. Learn to accept “good enough” from yourself instead and hone your stress management techniques. For more on how to employ stress management techniques, see here.  

And when you really aren't coping with your stress levels, ask for help. This may be from your family or friends, or consider making use of the skills of a life coach, business coach, counsellor or psychologist should you need professional help. 

Read More: Stress Super Section