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How is flu diagnosed?

A flu diagnosis will depend on the severity of your symptoms and medical history.

02 March 2020

If you are fit and healthy, you do not need to see a doctor when have flu. But if your symptoms last longer than a week, worsen, are combined with other symptoms such as a rash, or if you have an existing medical condition such as heart disease, asthma, diabetes, bacterial pneumonia or HIV/AIDS that is making your flu worse, then you need to consult a doctor.

If your doctor chooses to send a sample for laboratory testing to confirm a flu diagnosis, they will take a swab from the throat or nose.

The difference between the flu versus a cold can be difficult to diagnose as symptoms can be quite similar. Generally though, flu is worse than the common cold, and symptoms such as fever, body aches, extreme tiredness, and dry cough are more extreme. Colds are usually milder than the flu. People with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose and colds usually do not result in serious health problems, such as pneumonia, bacterial infections, or hospitalisations.

Colds come on gradually, and are usually mild enough to allow you to get around and go to work. Flu comes on quickly and usually prevents you from continuing with your daily activities.

Get Vaccinated at one of 400 Clicks Pharmacies

A strong immune system is a vital prevention measure against viruses. Getting the flu vaccine is one of the most effective ways to boost your immunity and protect your family against infection.

Book an appointment for a flu vaccination at a Clicks Clinic by calling 0860 254 257 or follow the link to the online booking portal: clinicbookings.clicks.co.za

The good news is that most medical aids now cover the flu vaccination and sometimes even reward members. Contact your medical aid scheme for eligibility.

Take note that the following people cannot get vaccinated:

  • Babies younger than 6 months
  • Anyone allergic to eggs
  • Anyone who already has a fever
  • Anyone who has shown a past reaction to a vaccine

We have increased our flu vaccination footprint to over 400 Clicks pharmacies. See the list of Clicks pharmacies here.

For more info visit clicks.co.za/fighttheflu or speak to your Clicks pharmacist.

Shop now at Clicks.co.za for cold and flu remedies

To help you ward off colds and the flu, or recover from them, Clicks pharmacists have selected the most trustworthy and affordable products for you to purchase online. These include a wide range of vitamins and supplements and cough, cold and flu remedies.

Read More: Flu Super Section