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How to soothe a night-time cough so you can sleep

Ensure you or your child get a restful night’s sleep when battling with a cough.

19 July 2016
by Meg de Jong

A cough that plagues you or your child at night-time can not only prevent you from resting properly, but can also hinder a speedy recovery. A night-time cough can be associated with a vast number of conditions, explains Clicks pharmacist Bradley Parsons. “It can be caused by anything from your run-of-the-mill cold or flu, to allergies, medication, asthma or gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD).” 

With colds and flu, post-nasal drip trickling into the throat can cause the coughing, or if the cough turns ‘wet’ and you begin to cough up mucous, you may have a serious infection such as bronchitis, sinusitis, whooping cough or pneumonia.

Here are some tried-and-trusted methods of relieving a cough at night:

Make sure your nasal passages are clear

A post-nasal drip is a common cause of coughing at night-time, as the mucous accumulates in the chest. Clearing your nasal passages before going to bed can help lessen the problem. Try an over-the-counter nasal spray, or sniff a solution of salt water and sodium bicarbonate to help with this, not forgetting to give your nose a good blow. 

Licorice root tea is a natural decongestant and can also help if drunk before bed, or, Parsons recommends inhaling steam infused with eucalyptus oil.

Treat the ‘tickle’

Symptoms that cause a tickle in the throat can also lead to coughing. Soothing throat lozenges, a teaspoon of honey, or a solution of lemon juice and honey can help soothe this niggling symptom away. Honey’s natural ability to coat the mucous membranes in your throat, thereby soothing it from irritation, make it an effective solution.

Elevate your head

Propping your head up with pillows or raising the head of your bed with wooden blocks in order to sleep at an incline can help reduce the urge to cough. This allows the fluid, mucous, post-nasal drainage or acid reflux causing your cough to stay towards the bottom of your lungs or in your stomach, rather than working its way up when you lie down. 

Sleeping on your side rather than your back is also recommended.

Keep it humid

Dry air can aggravate a cough, so placing a humidifier in your room at night can help. A humidity level of 40 to 50% is recommended. Alternatively, take a hot, steamy bath or shower just before bed. 

This remedy is not recommended if your cough is caused by asthma, as steam can worsen a cough caused by this condition. 

No moving air

“Cold air can trigger coughing spells,” explains Parsons. “Avoid fans or air conditioners over you while you sleep, as this can exacerbate the problem.”

Avoid allergens

Washing bed linen at least once a week to help control dust and mites can help with allergy-related coughs. If you’re using a humidifier, do make sure that it’s not causing mould, which thrives in damp air.

Get medical help if needs be

If a cough is combined with other symptoms, such as fever, or persists for longer than a week, you should consult with a healthcare practitioner or doctor.

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If you'd prefer the convenience of shopping online for trusted over-the-counter cough remedies, click here

For natural and homeopathic remedies for coughs and colds, click here

IMAGE CREDIT: 123rf.com

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