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Magen Drops 25ml

ID: 5393
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Natura Magen Drops 25ml is a homoeopathic remedy designed to alleviate digestive discomforts such as indigestion, flatulence, colic, nausea and travel sickness. Easy to administer, these effective homeopath-recommended drops provide a natural solution for enhancing digestive well-being.

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R 158.00
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Detailed information

Natura A Natural Way Of Life Magen

Detailed Description:
Indications: This is a homoeopathic medicine which assists in supporting the function of the stomach, and the gastro-intestinal and digestive systems. Assists in soothing the digestive mucosa and maintaining healthy digestive function. For treatment of infantile colic, abdominal cramps and spasms, heartburn, indigestion (dyspepsia), digestive upsets, flatulence, gastro-intestinal spasms and prediagnosed gastritis. Also provides relief from nausea, vomiting, morning sickness and travel sickness. To be sure that serious conditions do not persist undetected, please ensure that gastritis is prediagnosed by a suitably qualified practitioner. Identification: Clear, colourless liquid with alcohol aroma. Presentation: 25ml liquid in amber glass bottle with dropper insert and white, tamper-evident screw cap. www.natura.co.za. A homoeopathic medicine for use in the treatment of Colic, nausea, morning sickness, travel sickness, stomach cramps, indigestion & flatulence. 25 ml liquid. Preservative: 20% alcohol. Tel: (012) 813 9400. www.natura.co.za. Natura. House of homoeopathy. Scheduling status unscheduled, grade C0. Proprietary name (and dosage form): Magen (liquid drops). Composition: Each 1ml of liquid contains: Anamirta cocculus (cocculus) Spag D8. Antimonium crudum D10. Arsenicum iodatum D6. Atropa belladonna (Belladonna) Spag D8. Carbo vegetabilis D30. Cephaelis acuminata (Ipecacuanha Spag D8. Cinchona succirubra Spag D3. Daphne mezereum Spag D8. Magnesium phosphoricum D10. Strychnos nux-vomica (nux vomica) Spag D4. Preservative: 20% alcohol. Category of complementary medicine: Homoeopathic medicine. Homoeopathic mode of action: Homoeopathy is a system of medicine, built on the philosophy that the body has an innate ability to heal itself and should be allowed to do so. Homoeopathic medicines work energetically to stimulate the body's innate ability to heal by promoting or supporting the functioning of various organ systems. It works according to the principle of 'likes cure like' such that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person, can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person. Over the last 300 years, observations, experiments, homoeopathic provings and clinical experience have resulted in the collection of symptoms associated with particular remedies which are recorded in traditional homoeopathic materia medica. This medicine has been compiled based on an in-depth knowledge of the tradition and application of homoeopathy. The relevant symptoms from the composite remedy pictures are as follows: Anamirta cocculus relieves nausea and pregnancy nausea associated with backache, motion sickness, aversion to food and drink, cramping gastric pain during or after meals and hiccough. Symptoms are often accompanied by aversion to the smell of food, distended abdomen and abdominal weakness. Antimonium crudum treats heartburn, nausea, vomiting, constant belching and bloating after eating. It is indicated for colic in babies that regurgitate or vomit curdled milk after a feed and tend to be fretful. Arsenicum iodatum relieves vomiting after food intake, epigastric pain and intense thirst with immediate vomiting of the water. Atropa belladonna treats a tendency to loss of appetite, aversion to meat and milk, nausea, empty retching and spasmodic hiccough. Carbo vegetabilis acts on the vascular system to improve oxidation of all body tissues. It treats flatulence with tension and pain and burning, crampy, radiating gastric pain. These symptoms are usually associated with slow digestion and repetitive belching. Cephaelis acuminata acts on the gastric nerve to treat spasmodic irritations of the stomach like persistent nausea and vomiting especially after difficult-to-digest foods. Cinchona succirubra is indicated for vomiting of undigested food, slow digestion, flatulence and belching without relief, hiccough and bloatedness. It soothes darting horizontal pains in the mid-abdominal region and gallstone colic. Daphne mezereum acts on the upper gastro-intestinal tract to counteract nausea and vomiting, chronic gastritis with burning gastric pain, flatulence and enteritis with shooting abdominal pains. Magnesium phosphoricum has an antispasmodic action and relieves abdominal bloating and flatulent colic often causing the legs to be drawn up. Strychnos nux-vomica treats nausea in the morning and after eating, flatulence, sour, bitter repeating dyspepsia with bruised soreness of the abdominal wall. Symptoms are associated with modern lifestyle, mental strain, irritability, dependency on stimulants, love of rich, stimulating food and wine.

Pack size:
25 ml liquid

Quantity in pack:

Marketing description:
Natura®. A Natural Way Of Life™. Magen. Colic, nausea & indigestion. Since 1966.


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How to use

Usage instructions:
Dosage and directions for use: Take ten drops directly on the tongue or diluted in a little water three times daily. May be taken one to two hourly in acute cases while symptoms are severe. Dilute with water for infants and allow to stand for a short time before administering. Reduce dosage with improvement of symptoms. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to hold the medicine in the mouth for a short period and for the mouth to be free of any other tastes (toothpaste, peppermint, etc.) When taking the medicine. Avoid taking this medicine within half an hour of strong coffee, chocolate, camphor or aromatic substances which may reduce the efficacy of the homoeopathic components. Dosage: 10 drops on tongue 3 times daily. May be taken 1-2 hourly in acute cases. Dilute with water for infants.

Storage instructions:
Keep the container sealed and store below 25 degrees C. Protect from sunlight. Store below 25 degrees C.

Contraindications: This product contains alcohol and should be used with caution by individuals with a sensitivity or intolerance to alcohol. Please consult your practitioner if symptoms are severe or persist without improvement for longer than the following time limits: vomiting should improve within two days; infantile colic, abdominal cramps and spasms, gastro-intestinal spasms and gastritis should improve within four days and nausea, heartburn, indigestion and digestive upsets should improve within one week. Unless otherwise prescribed, do not exceed the stated dose. In the rare event of hypersensitivity to an ingredient in this medicine, discontinue use. Substitute existing medical treatment under professional supervision. Side effects and special precautions: There are no known side effects. Known symptoms of overdose and particulars of treatment: There are no known symptoms of overdose. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Keep out of reach of children. Consult your practitioner if symptoms are severe or persist for longer than 4 days.

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Anamirta Cocculus Spag D8, Antimonium Crudum D10, Arsenicum Iodatum D6, Atropa Belladonna Spag D8, Carbo Vegetabilis D30, Cephaelis Acuminata (Ipecacuanha) Spag D8, Cinchona Succirubra Spag D3, Daphne Mezereum Spag D8, Magnesium Phosphoricum D10, Strychnos Nux-Vomica Spag D4.

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